Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Seven Monasteries Devoted To Archangel Saint Michael / Part III - Monastery Mont Saint-Michele - Normandy. - France


Our Q & A Continues With Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW eBook Debuted, July 2, 2024)

Heaven's Doorway Press - Q & A (#22) with author, Peter Arnold:

Question: Peter, we continue today with our conversation on the seven monasteries devoted to the Archangel Saint Michael.  What insight can you share with us about the third stop, "Mont Saint-Michel" in Normandy, France?

"Pure monastic spectacle! Once you can ascend to the "heavenly sacred abbey' away from the hectic and crowded tourist village below, you are immediately in another realm.  Mont Saint-Michel is a jewel in the pilgrimage crown.  In my eBook, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story,' a major mystical event culminates there in the battle between 'the 'Sons of Light vs the Sons of Darkness.' Some of the pictures below stir the imagination:

Question: There's a dark past with Mont Saint-Michel and a famous 19th century author interceded.  Who was it?

"During the 19th century, Mont Saint-Michel became a prison overshadowed by the darkness of war.  The antithesis of spiritual peace which graced the abbey walls for hundreds of years was gravely threatened.  Then a miracle occurred when novelist, Victor Hugo, writer of the monumental opus, 'Les Misérables,' convinced Napoleon to move the political prisoners to another location."

Question: It is as if Saint Michael the Archangel defended the abbey from battle?

"Well, there was another spiritual battle during WWII when the German forces invaded France and subsequently returned darkness upon Mont Saint-Michel by utilizing it as a prison once again.  Thank goodness, evil was overcome and decades later, the Benedictine Order aided by the prayers of Saint Michael the Archangel returned sanctity to the abbey."

PART XXIII of our interview with author, Peter Arnold to be continued . . .

"Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" 
By Peter Arnold
Now available on Apple BooksAmazonBarnes & Noble and wherever eBooks are sold.
eBook debuted, July 2, 2024 (USA, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany
The Netherlands, Portugal and other European territories)
ISBN: 979-8-9903783-0-8
©2024 Library of Congress Registration # TXu 2-422-111
USA PCIP Classification: LCC PS3601.R56 2024 | DDC 813 A-dc23
IngramSpark, LLC

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  Our Q & A Continues Wi th Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW e...