Monday, May 27, 2024

The Holy Grail Search / 35th Anniversary of Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade / Petra / Frankincense / Biblical Archaeology

 Our Q & A Continues With Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" ( NEW eBook Debuted, July 2, 2024 )

Heaven's Doorway Press - Q & A (#20) with author, Peter Arnold:

Question: Peter, it's been 35 years since the worldwide release of "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." In your forthcoming eBook, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story, your lead character, Michael is summoned to Petra, why does the "Red Rose City" hold such fascination with us?

"Yes, there is an interesting yearning for a return to classic action adventure suspense fantasy with a biblical archaeology theme.  In the film, 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,' it was the search for the lost 'Holy Grail.' 

The film released Memorial Day Weekend in 1989 was the highest grossing film globally of the year. Petra in Jordan, also known as the 'Red Rose City' became iconic for millions who saw the film and soon placed it as a pilgrimage site visit on their 'bucket list.'  The city was an important trade route with frankincense being a huge commodity.  I thought it would be interesting to explore in the eBook narrative, 'Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story.'   Could one of the three Magi king's entourage have loaded a chest of frankincense from Petra for camel caravan transport to Bethlehem?" 

PART XXI of our interview with author, Peter Arnold to be continued . . .

"Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" 
By Peter Arnold

Now available on Apple BooksAmazonBarnes & Noble and wherever eBooks are sold.
eBook debuted, July 2, 2024 (USA, Canada, Australia, United
KingdomGermanyThe Netherlands, Portugal and other European territories)
ISBN: 979-8-9903783-0-8
©2024 Library of Congress Registration # TXu 2-422-111
USA PCIP Classification: LCC PS3601.R56 2024 | DDC 813 A-dc23
IngramSpark, LLC

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Hope, Unity and Peace / Christians Illuminating Light - In Your Eyes ( of Christ ) - Peter Gabriel / Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story

  Our Q & A Continues Wi th Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW e...