Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Writer's Block Solutions - Nature Walks and Meditation / Opening the Flow of Creativity / Spiritual Ascent With The Divine Creator


Our Q & A Continues With Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW eBook Debuted, July 2, 2024)

Heaven's Doorway Press - Q & A (#32) with author, Peter Arnold:

Question: Peter, what remedy do you suggest to break through "writer's block?"

"When I experience the dreaded 'writers block,' the best attitude is to welcome it. To experience 'dryness' as a writer (and for me personally a Christian one), I need to replenish the well, the 'spiritual well.' I tell myself it's time to rest from stress. It's time for a retreat to the desert and then up the spiritual mountain to 'open up the flow of grace, the source of all creation. I recommend silent prayerful walks, early morning as light is beginning to bless the new day."

"As you are walking, begin to 'self-empty' by connecting with nature all around you. Praying the rosary, helps me to shift the focus from myself to others.  For example, pray for peace, for the homeless, the outcasts and marginalized, the poor and hungry, etc.  Soon, your conscious begins to clear and peace sweeps in like a gentle breeze."

"So now, you are beginning to cast off your self-focus and suddenly you notice more beauty all around you.  The trees look different, more vibrant, heart-shaped leaves standout as if you are receiving a love-letter from the tree as you walk by.  Squirrels, rabbits, birds appear close to you unafraid . . . they sense your divine nature - a oneness you share with nature."

"Perhaps, you may be blessed to walk by a wayside devotional marker, signaling a rest stop to pause, give thanks and take in all the beauty around you." 

"As you continue your walk, you may move past streams, rivers and waterfalls.  You may feel compelled to bless them with your hands as you walk by (careful not to draw attention, keeping mindful of humility - no spiritual pride). Give thanks for the rainfall which produced them . . . Holy, a core component of life itself."

"Now you are making great progress in your ascent up the spiritual mountain, if you will.  Take in the splendor as you climb, giving thanks with each step of the Way."

"Now you've reached the top of the mountain and you can rest awhile filling up the spiritual well of all that is true, good and beautiful." 

"Once you have rested, you can take with you the inspiration you have gathered for your descent down to the earthly plain.  Now you can arrive home, rested and mindful of the miraculous world around us.  The flow of grace is opened, like a gushing stream, you are ready to co-create again with the Creator."

PART XXXIII of our interview with author, Peter Arnold to be continued . . .

"Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" 
By Peter Arnold
Now available on Apple BooksAmazonBarnes & Noble and wherever eBooks are sold.
eBook debuted, July 2, 2024 (USA, Canada, Australia, United KingdomGermany
The Netherlands, Portugal and other European territories)
ISBN: 979-8-9903783-0-8
©2024 Library of Congress Registration # TXu 2-422-111
USA PCIP Classification: LCC PS3601.R56 2024 | DDC 813 A-dc23
IngramSpark, LLC

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  Our Q & A Continues Wi th Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW e...