Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Near Death Experience - The Pool of Peace By Emilie Spear / Jayne Smith's Heavenly Visitation NDE During Childbirth

 Our Q & A Continues With Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW eBook Debuted, July 2, 2024)

Heaven's Doorway Press - Q & A (#28) with author, Peter Arnold:

Question: Peter, many near death experiencer's describe awe-inspiring heavenly realms with Jesus, angels and spirit guides.  Do these descriptions give hope to the masses here in our earthly realm?

"Absolutely, we are blessed to be living in this digital age to record 'visitations' by those who temporarily crossed-over through the veil and were profoundly forever changed when they returned to their body.   Thankfully, many elders (NDE witnesses) interviews  have been digitized and uploaded onto youTube for younger generations to watch before their stories are forever lost.   One of my favorite NDE interviews include this one from Jayne Smith, who kept her vision secret for decades, now seen by over a half-million viewers.

"Another more modern NDE (audio only) is by Emilie Spear who described a 'Divine Pool of Peace' connected to a silver cord.  We can straighten the alignment of our 'silver cord' to the presence of God.  She tells us, we have access to the 'Pool of Peace' through the heart via meditation and prayer.  Ultimately, heaven on Earth is a state of consciousness, a state of mind."

PART XXVIV of our interview with author, Peter Arnold to be continued . . .

"Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" 
By Peter Arnold

Available TODAY on Apple BooksAmazonBarnes & Noble and wherever eBooks are sold.
eBook debuted, July 2, 2024 (USA, Canada, Australia, United KingdomGermany
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ISBN: 979-8-9903783-0-8
©2024 Library of Congress Registration # TXu 2-422-111
USA PCIP Classification: LCC PS3601.R56 2024 | DDC 813 A-dc23
IngramSpark, LLC

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Hope, Unity and Peace / Christians Illuminating Light - In Your Eyes ( of Christ ) - Peter Gabriel / Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story

  Our Q & A Continues Wi th Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW e...