Saturday, May 4, 2024

Q & A III - Continued With Author Peter Arnold - Armor of Light A Trilogy Story - eBook Debuted July 2, 2024 - Now Available!


Our Q & A Continues With Peter Arnold, Christian Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" ( NEW eBook Debuted, July 2, 2024 )

Heaven's Doorway Press - Q & A ( Part III ) with author, Peter Arnold:

Question: Peter, did you enjoy the research process when developing your forthcoming eBook, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story"?

"Absolutely! I've been curious my whole life. I'm fascinated with sacred archives and hidden dusty monastic libraries. Some day if it's the Lord's will, I would like to visit the Vatican Research Archive.  Primary research is imperative versus over relying on digital search engines. God bless Mrs. Ching, my advanced comp class high school teacher, she taught us the importance of primary research.  I was writing a term paper on skydiving and boarded a 1938 rickety twin engine former military plane with a group of skydivers photographing them as they fearlessly bolted out into the sky.  It was certainly an immersive and formative experience."

Question: Tell us about the above pic, where were you?

"I'm standing at the foot of the great temple of Pharaoh Ramesses II, in Abu Simbel, Egypt.  Massive scale designed to intimidate! Here's another pic of me (below) standing inside the inner chamber.  It resonated with me mystically for years and is a plot destination within 'Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story.'"

Question: Were you a young "Indiana Jones?"

"Oh yes, with a blend of Howard Carter! Where's the nearest ancient archaeology dig? Now I'm obsessed with biblical archaeology.  Did you know Pontius Pilate's name was found in the 1960's on a 2,000-year-old ring during an excavation of Herodium ( an ancient fortress and palace south of Bethlehem )? "

Question: While we're on the subject of biblical archaeology, please share your interest with us on the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Is there a particular scroll found in the Qumran Caves that's most intriguing to you?

"Yes, the 'War Scroll' which describes a future cosmic battle between the 'Sons of Light' versus the 'Sons of Darkness.' Scholars have interpreted the scroll as a foreshadowing of the future Roman army invasion which eventually destroyed Jerusalem in 70 C.E.. It's still fascinating to imagine an angelic eschatological cosmic battle in the future which I explored in my book, 'Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story.'"

PART IV of our interview with author, Peter Arnold to be continued . . .

"Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" by Peter Arnold

Now available on Apple BooksAmazonBarnes & Noble and wherever eBooks are sold.
eBook debuted, July 2, 2024 (USA, Canada, Australia, United KingdomGermany
The Netherlands, Portugal and other European territories)
ISBN: 979-8-9903783-0-8
©2024 Library of Congress Registration # TXu 2-422-111
USA PCIP Classification: LCC PS3601.R56 2024 | DDC 813 A-dc23
IngramSpark, LLC

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Hope, Unity and Peace / Christians Illuminating Light - In Your Eyes ( of Christ ) - Peter Gabriel / Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story

  Our Q & A Continues Wi th Peter Arnold, Christian Fiction Suspense Thriller Author, "Armor of Light: A Trilogy Story" (NEW e...